Women and Children - Victims of Sexual Violence and Abuse - G-Group

G-Group Intelligence AG Intelligence - Protection - Defense

Women and children – Victims of Abuse

Women and children – Victims of Abuse

Sexual violence against women and children

Sexual violence against women and children, like sexual violence against men and boys, occurs everywhere. Within the family or outside it, among gay and straight people and in all ethnic groups. Women are more likely than men to be victims of one-off sexual violence in adulthood. But long-term abuse, often in childhood, is also common among women and children. The perpetrators of violence against women are almost always men, but female perpetrators also occur. Almost one in four women has experienced some form of sexual abuse or sexual violence. You may not realise it, but this means that there are several women and children in your immediate environment who has been a victim of sexual violence. 

Psychological problems, physical complaints and pregnancy

Sexual violence can have a huge impact on your life. It can seriously damage your self-confidence and cause you to continue to react to learned survival mechanisms for the rest of your life. As a result, you can develop all kinds of psychological and physical complaints that may seriously disrupt your life. 

The effects are particularly acute if you do not talk about the abuse or are barely able to do so. This often leads you to blame yourself, with the result that you also see all the problems you develop down the line as being your own fault. As a result you may start to think you have no right to support or help, for example, and continue to deal with the symptoms for far too long, so that they become worse rather than better.

Emotional, sexual and relational problems

Apart from psychological problems, physical complaints and (problems related to) pregnancy, sexual violence can also cause emotional, sexual and relational problems.

Recognition, support, understanding, processing and assistance

Coping with sexual violence and sexual abuse is not easy. No matter how much you want them to, the memories and consequences usually do not go away all on their own. Coping with sexual abuse and its consequences is thus often not something you can do alone. You need support from the people around you although this is often not easy. As a result it is sometimes necessary to seek professional help. Whatever the case it is always advisable to seek medical help after a rape regardless of how painful that may be.

G-Group Intelligence will do everything it can with the help of our advisers, lawyers and medical experts to support and guide women and children who have fallen victim to such abuse.

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