Victim of violent extremism - What is it and what are the motives? - G-Group

G-Group Intelligence AG Intelligence - Protection - Defense

Victim of violent extremism

Victim of violent extremism

What is violent extremism?

Violent extremism is the beliefs and actions of people who support or use violence to achieve ideological, religious or political goals.

This includes terrorism and other forms of politically motivated and communal violence.

Violent extremism

When a person’s beliefs move from being relatively conventional to being radical, and they want a drastic change in society, this is known as radicalisation. This does not necessarily mean these people will become violent.

However, if a person or group decides that fear, terror and violence are justified to achieve ideological, political or social change, and then acts accordingly, this is violent extremism.

Motivations for violent extremism

There are many different types of violent extremism. Motivations are varied and many usually relate to particular ideologies, for example, interpretations of political movements or religious beliefs as anti-Semitic beliefs, issues such as environmental or economic concerns, or ethnic or separatist causes. People can also be motivated by more than one issue.

All forms of violent extremism seek change through fear and intimidation rather than through peaceful means.

We, members of G-Group feel that the sentences given to violent extremists or terrorists are inappropriate. Perpetrators of such acts should not be sentenced to 10 or 15 years of imprisonment, as happens in Belgium, but should be sentenced to 10 or 15 years of imprisonment per victim they made.

We also believe that these perpetrators should be tried before the Hague Court as we are definitely dealing with crime against humanity here.

G-Group will do everything in its power to secure such legal adjustments with the help of our lawyers and consultants.

I, Victor F. Sakx, president of G-Group Intelligence AG, was myself victim of an extremist attack in 2021 in Brussels were I really faced death. After 2 years of recovering and 8 surgeries I decided to claim by notary deed € 10.000.000,00 from the extremist criminals which I will donate to the families of the victims of the terrorist attacks in Brussels in 2016, the attack at the Jewish museum in Brussels in 2014, the family of Thomas Montjoie, police officer, killed by an extremist in November 2022 and the family of Mireille Knoll brutally murdered by 2 extremists in her apartment in Paris in 2018 as an anti-Semitic act. A part of the claim will also go to ADN, a humanitarian African organisation, as I am the diplomatic representative of. this organisation in Switzerland.

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