Victim of a Crime & Victim of the System: G-Group Intelligence's Assistance for Victims in Need

G-Group Intelligence AG Intelligence - Protection - Defense

Victim of a crime & Victim of the system

Victim of a crime & Victim of the system

Victim of crime:

  1. By victim we mean a person who has either individually or collectively suffered harm, including physical or psychological harm, emotional suffering, economic loss or significant impairment of his or her fundamental rights as a result of an act of crime contrary to the law in effect, including those laws prohibiting criminal abuse of power.

  2. A person  may be considered a "victim" regardless of whether the perpetrator has been identified, arrested, prosecuted or convicted and regardless of his or her relationship to the victim. The term "victim" also includes, where applicable, the immediate family or dependents of the victim and those who have sustained harm when attempting to intervene or to prevent a person falling victim to a perpetrator. 

  3. The provisions of this section shall apply to all persons without distinction regardless of race, colour, sex, age, language, religion, nationality, political or other opinions, cultural beliefs or practices, wealth, birth, marital status, ethnic or social origin and physical capabilities. 

  4. Victims should be treated with compassion and respect for their dignity. They are entitled to access legal proceedings and to immediate compensation for the harm they have sustained as provided by national law.

This is how it “should be” but..................

The above does not always describe what actually happens as in most cases the victim falls victim to the system. For example let us look at what  happens in Belgium. In  Belgium, as soon as the victim files a complaint, he or she falls victim again, but this time to the system, which apparently only works in favour of the criminal.

In Belgium, as soon as the victim files a complaint, he or she has to pay several important costs of the investigation, including medical fees and the costs of DNA testing.

Once the complaint has been filed and the criminals have been located and maybe arrested, only one thing remains important,  "the rights of the defendant".

And what’s more, in most cases perpetrators are defended by so-called top lawyers.

As a result, the victim must appoint a lawyer and spend a lot of money. If the victim cannot afford such expenses, they simply lose the case and even  end up having to pay the damages demanded by the criminal defence. 

G-Group Intelligence wants to unite victims of the system and provide them with all the necessary assistance with the help of our lawyers, advisers and press department.

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