Violence in the Name of God: The Intersection of Crime and Religion - G-Group

G-Group Intelligence AG Intelligence - Protection - Defense

Crime and Religion

Crime & Religion – Not related

Violence in the Name of God.

"No one should use the name of God to commit violence," Pope Francis said at the Catholic University in Albania. "To kill in the name of God is grave sacrilege. To discriminate in the name of God is inhuman." 

The Pope’s remarks were aimed at terrorists who fight under the banner of Islam. He seems to be saying that those who use violence to further religion are not acting in good faith but rather contrary to established religious norms. 

Violence in the name of religion has been a staple of human history. Religion isn’t the only cause of violence. The three leading individuals for crimes against humanity in the 20th century were Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

Criminals committing terrorist attacks are not muslims, they are simply extremists and for me, Victor F. Sakx, President of G-Group, they are simply part of the Nazi Conviction and a disgrace to the muslim religion.

Jeffrey Epstein, with his pedophile organisation, was not Jewish, he was not religious, he was simply a disgrace to Judaism. 

A priest abusing children is not a religious person, he is a disgrace to the catholic religion. 

You can read about one of the craziest examples of the abuse of religion in the attached press release. It tells of a Belgian man who converted to Islam simply to express his anti-Semitism. This is simply an outrageous abuse of Islam.

We, the members of G-Group, do not tolerate any form of violence or crime in the name of religion and we shall do everything possible to counter this legally with the help of our lawyers, consultants and the press.

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