The Exploitation of Medical Staff by the Pharmaceutical Industry - G-Group

G-Group Intelligence AG Intelligence - Protection - Defense

Medical Staff, exploited for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry

Medical & Care Staff, exploited for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry

Medical staff, 

We can all agree that the pharmaceutical industry devotes years of research to bring new drugs and therapies to the market and makes billions in profit. 

The resulting products would not leave the research lab without the aid of the medical personnel who are vital to ensuring that the pharmaceutical industry achieves such a high return on investment. 

After all, the underlying reason for setting up a commercial enterprise, which is what a pharmaceutical company ultimately is, is to turn a profit. 

The question remains though of “Why do medical personnel, the persons who make this constant return possible, not get fairly compensated? What does the pharmaceutical industry do to improve the financial well-being of medical personnel? 

Let's take Belgium as an example. In Belgium a 45-year-old nurse with 20 years of experience earns € 1,700 a month after taxes, a 45-year-old secretary with 20 years of experience working at the European Commission earns € 3,000 a month after taxes, whereas by contrast a nurse with 20 years of experience in Switzerland earns € 7,500 a month after taxes.

Without going into the respective merits of each occupation, such a difference in income is completely unacceptable. 

Whether in times of dire need or not, our lives literally depend on the services provided by medical personnel. The dedication of medical personnel facing the challenges of the recent corona crisis are rightly praised worldwide. Although it could be argued the medical profession is a selfless vocation and praise is unnecessary, honour and recognition should be given where due. 

Once again we may consider the Belgian situation: the  € 30 risk compensation a month paid to Belgian medical personnel during the corona crisis is a pure insult and must be condemned! 

G-Group Intelligence AG and its lawyers intend to negotiate a salary increase of at least 30% for all medical, care and maintenance staff with the European Commission and the governments of each country.

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