3 Common Tricks Insurance Adjusters Use on Unrepresented Victims - G-Group

G-Group Intelligence AG Intelligence - Protection - Defense

Victim of Insurance

Victim of Insurance

When a victim is not represented by legal counsel, claims adjusters will often try to trick the victim with the aim of minimizing the potential liability of the insurance company. Here are some of the most common methods they use. 

  1. Making a victim feel that he or she must make a statement concerning the incident.

    Often, immediately after an incident, a claims adjuster calls the victim. When this person calls, he or she may give the impression that they are required to obtain a statement. Alternatively they may say that a statement will help to “speed up the claims process.” This is not the case.

    These claim adjusters have been very carefully trained to not only be polite, but also to extract statements from a victim that is contrary to his or her best interests.  In particular, they want to obtain statements in which the victim concedes a degree of fault. These statements are usually recorded so that they can subsequently be used to the detriment  of the victim.

  2. Being your (false) friend to help settle the case. 

    In this scenario, a claims adjuster may try to give the impression to imply everything possible is being done to “close the case” on the full medical expenses and other costs that may have been sustained by the victim. The adjuster may indeed authorize payments for relatively minor amounts while the victim is receiving medical care while recovering from his or her injuries. The adjuster may even periodically call to provide updates or request additional hospital or medical records so that these can be “analyzed” by the insurance company

    The trick in this case is about to bring  delay so that eventually the time bar comes into effect. In some countries, personal injury claims must be brought within a certain number of years of the date of the incident. If no legal action is taken within this period of time, the victim will generally speaking not be allowed to start proceedings against those who have caused the injury. The claims adjuster is secretly hoping that by giving the impression of working with the victim, the victim will not start proceedings until it is too late. When the claims adjuster suddenly no longer returns calls, the victim may find that he or she no longer has any legal recourse against those responsible.

  3. Following you on social media.

    Insurance companies want to see if you are talking about your accident on social media, particularly if you are making statements that might suggest your liability. They also want to see if you are engaging in any activities that may be contrary to your claims of being injured.  In some cases, they may even hire detectives to spy on you.

    I,  Victor F. Sakx, President of G-Group, was a victim of an extremist crime myself in March 2021. What is written above is exactly what I have experienced myself. To this day my insurance has not paid out a cent after more than 1 year. More about this case will be published soon.

G-Group Intelligence AG will assist and advise  victims of insurance with the help of our lawyers, advisers and our press department.

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