The Power of Media in Legal Cases: When to Turn to the Press as a Victim - G-Group

G-Group Intelligence AG Intelligence - Protection - Defense

The Victim and the Press

The Victim and the Press

Why appeal to the press when you are a victim? 

Let us first say that, in the vast majority of cases, this is not necessary. Justice, even if it is extremely slow, does its job and should above all be left to do it quietly. Disclosing information to the press may even prejudice the investigation, something which is not in the interest of the victim. 

Nonetheless media coverage of a case can be useful in certain cases: 

  1. A call for witnesses. In this case the appeal to the press may come from the examining magistrate himself. Baffled, he appeals to the press to try to find other elements that will flesh out his investigation. 

  2. Provoking reactions from the opposing party. Although you must be careful never to fall into defamation, a press article will provoke a reaction from the opposing party. His or her lawyers will have to answer a journalist's questions, which are often more embarrassing than those asked in a courtroom, where all concerned have known each for years.

  3. Put significant pressure on the judge. Leaks in a case can also come from police officers who believe that the case has not been sufficiently investigated, or that the examining magistrate is too complacent regarding one of the parties. Here it is a matter of stirring things up so that they come back to centre stage. 

We see thus that the journalist is an actor who can play a role on the judicial stage. Journalists are often very well acquainted with the judges, police chiefs and officers active in the area he covers. Calling on the press may in certain cases be an attractive move. 

Etienne Louvain
Press Officer 

Our personal press agency is under construction and will be available soon.

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